Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Cloud Computing & the Public Sector

The Public Sector has started adopting the Cloud to improve the services provided to citizens. So what does the it use the cloud for? Good question. I wanted to understand the same and found that yes, the Public Sector does truly use the Cloud in many ways that you may have never imagined...Here are some of the case studies...

The Army Experience Center in Philadelphia uses SalesForce.com for Registrations, badge printing, and game play tracking. They also use it for their Recruiting and pipeline management system, Algorithmic scoring of visitors propensity to join the Army, connectors to Facebook and Email marketing campaigns!

The Federal Acquisitions Services (FAS) and Public Building Services (PBS) use an Enterprise-Wide CRM System that provides traditional Sales Force Automation (SFA) capabilities & Training and Event Management capabilities including automated surveys to measure quality and effectiveness.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory uses Amazon’s S3 cloud storage to store millions of images collected in real time and make them available around the world using Amazon’s CloudFront technology for their Global Robotics competition. For another project, NASA received data for 180,000 images of Saturn from the Cassini spacecraft. NASA scientists needed timely access to the imagery, and in-house systems were projected to take over 15 days to process the results. So, they chose to spin up 60 servers on Amazon’s EC2 cloud and completed processing the imagery in 5 hours.

The Department of the Treasury’s Vulnerability Assessment System needed improved security and reliability. They moved to a cloud-based scanning system with greater capacity and quality, reduced operating cost, and increased security capability.This resulted in 458% increase in scanning and an 86% reduction in cost per scan!

The US Air Force implemented cloud technologies for web self-service, incident management, customer surveys, analytics, and knowledge management. This resulted in savings of $4M/year in manpower reductions & reduced the time for locating customer information from 20 min to 2 min.

The City of Miami, Florida decided to leverage a scalable, cloud-based Windows Azure platform to provide 311 Service used by citizens to report non-emergency situations, with an interactive online platform for tracking service requests and mapping them geographically.

So what about the Indian Government? The Public Sector is slowly catching up to the Cloud bandwagon in India. The potential is unlimited - if you start thinking using the above case studies as analogies, the Indian Army, Airforce, Navy, Police, Regional Transport Offices, Railways, Education systems, ministries, public administration and the list goes on....there is no dearth of opportunities in the Public Sector to implement the Cloud services and benefit the citizens of India.

It's a different question as to how long it will take and how many politicians will rake in billions before this becomes a reality for the common man in India!

Also posted on BMC Communities blog - Cloud-n-more

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