Friday, 22 April 2011

How did Cloud Computing evolve?

There were a number of dynamics involved in contributing to the evolution of Cloud Computing. Virtualization technologies, high-bandwidth internet & communication technologies, delivery of enterprise apps, software inter-operability standards, Web 2.0 were some of the key influencing factors for the emergence of the "CLOUD" world!

In 1999, the face of Cloud Computing entered the corporate world with the introduction of to deliver Enterprise Applications over the internet. This marked the beginning of Software As A Service (SaaS). In 2006, Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS) and Platform As A Service (PaaS) were introduced by Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) commercial web service. In 2009, Google & Microsoft entered into the foray of offering enterprise application services!

Is Cloud Computing the same as Grid Computing?
Not really! Grid Computing uses distributed virtual machines to usually complete a focused single large task, whereas Cloud Computing also uses distributed virtual machines to to complete different types of tasks!

Is Cloud Computing the same as Software As A Service?
Not really! Software As A Service (SaaS) is a software that an organization can purchase and use & it can reside on the user's machines or machines owned by a service provider. SaaS is one of the sub-sets of Cloud Computing.

Is Cloud Computing the same as Virtualization?
Not really! Virtualization can be used to implement Cloud computing.

Is Cloud Computing the same as Service Oriented Architecture?
Not really! Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) supports data exchange among different applications that are a part of a business process.

All the above perceived synonyms (not exactly synonyms!) are used with reference to Cloud Computing, but they should not be confused with Cloud Computing as they are sub-sets or bits & pieces of the Cloud Computing world!

More on this tomorrow!


  1. Thank you for sharing the history of cloud computing.
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